Catherine vanVonno, the author, is the President and Executive Director of 20Four7VA, a global Virtual Assistant (VA) Service Provider. She holds a doctorate degree in Applied Statistics, Research Design and Program Evaluation from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and has over 10 years experience in facilitating evidence-based strategic planning, product development, brand management, legislative communications, and medical policy. She is married and has four children. You can reach her at

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has certainly cemented its role in business. Here are some SEO statistics that show its prominence not just in business but in the everyday life of consumers:

  • Search comprises 93% of online activities
  • Search is the top traffic driver to content websites; surpassing social media by 300%
  • 75% of internet users remain on the first page of search results pages only
  • 70-80% of internet users prefer organic search results as compared to paid advertisements
  • 65-70% of the search engine market share belongs to Google

These are just a few indications of SEO’s vast influence among consumers.

Yet, despite showing a solid role in the business scene, SEO is a constantly shifting landscape. What marketers claim to be the hottest tactics now may be penalized after a few years. Because this facet of business and marketing is complex, it pays to know the pitfalls you can avoid so you stay on top of the game.

Here are 5 common SEO mistakes small business owners make that you must avoid:

MISTAKE #1:  Scrimping on product descriptions

Imagine scouring the web for a certain product and discovering it on an ecommerce page only to find a thin, barely helpful product description.

Many consumers would get back to searching for the said product on a website that details its uses, composition, directions to use, and other helpful specifications.

Remember that as a small business, you must contend with rivals who may have a wider marketing influence. When a customer reaches your site, make sure that they are there to stay. Help them get to know your product by detailing how it can help them and why they need your product instead of similar counterparts.

MISTAKE #2: Using weak keywords

Go over your web pages and see if your site shows hazy, weak content.

Keywords help search engines and internet users alike. The words that a consumer types up on the search bar of Google signals the search engine to connect internet users to the best places where they can find what they are looking for. Keywords are the currency that consumers tap in to be transported to the best sites where their sought-after items are located.

Make sure that you fill your pages with words that will have Google deliver consumers to your page. Utilize the Keyword Planner to find the most suitable key terms for you.

Tip: go after high-volume key phrases consisting of 3-4 words instead of single words with a high search volume.

MISTAKE #3: Duplicating content

Have you recently acquired your website? How often do you update your web content to match your stocks?

At times, small business owners acquire websites which already have descriptions and content from previous owners. If the business is their own, some owners would search the web for similar products and copy the content on their own site.

This is a rookie mistake that can swiftly bring your business down the drain. Not only will this practice be penalized by Google, it will also turn away potential customers. Refrain from using canned descriptions. If you want to stand out from your rivals, be creative with your content and provide the most relevant product information to win over your target market.

MISTAKE #4: Not utilizing product reviews

You can spend hundreds, if not thousands, of bucks for advertisements but a recommendation from a real user will speak more loudly to a potential customer. When you let a happy customer walk away without leaving a review, you let a golden marketing opportunity slip through your fingers.

Your best shot at a word-of-mouth recommendation online is a product review. Reach out to customers and have them share how happy they are with the transaction. As much as possible, get reviews for individual products on your website to build credibility and increase click-throughs in search results pages.

MISTAKE #5: Poor usage of metadata

Are you helping Google connect you to your target market? One way to find out is to review how you handle metadata. Repetitive meta description, poor or lack of photo caption, and unoptimized product listings are a few things small business owners do that make them end up in the last pages of Google.


These common SEO mistakes that small business owners make are easily avoidable if you hire a writer to take care of your content. Aside from product reviews from real customers, a highly skilled writer will take care of your web content to improve your SEO efforts and increase your Google ranking. Outsourcing it to proven agencies means your small business will not make these big mistakes.

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